
Google Clarifies: AI-Generated Content Will Not Receive Ranking Priority

Google Clarifies: AI-Generated Content Will Not Receive Ranking Priority 

During Google Search Central Live Tokyo 2023, Gary Illyes and other Google
representatives addressed various questions surrounding AI and shared valuable
insights on the topic. Kenichi Suzuki, a renowned Japanese search marketing
expert, summarized the key takeaways from the event in a blog post. 

Natural Content Takes the Lead
One notable statement from Google emphasized that their algorithms and signals are primarily designed to evaluate human-generated content. As a result, natural content created by humans will be given higher rankings in search results. 
Understanding E-A-T: Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness
Google also reiterated the significance of E-A-T, which stands for Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. These factors continue to play a crucial role in determining the credibility and relevance of content.

By focusing on creating authentic, valuable, and trustworthy content, website owners and content creators can improve their chances of achieving higher rankings on Google’s search engine results pages.


ML based ranking algorithms and signals are trained on content by humans for humans.
They “understand” and promote natural content better.

— Kenichi Suzuki💫鈴木謙一 (@suzukik) June 16, 2023

ML based ranking algorithms and signals are trained on content by humans for humans.
They “understand” and promote natural content better.

— Kenichi Suzuki💫鈴木謙一 (@suzukik) June 16, 2023

AI is a hard topic to talk about because it’s still in the experimental stage. #SearchCentralLive @me

— Kenichi Suzuki💫鈴木謙一 (@suzukik) June 16, 2023

Q. Does Google annotate AI-generated content (internally)?
A. No. It doesn’t matter who created the content, but the quality of the content does. #SearchCentralLive @methode

— Kenichi Suzuki💫鈴木謙一 (@suzukik) June 16, 2023

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